
Showing posts from April, 2020

Never lose Hope. Hang on there

Keep Moving Bea...


I saw this somewhere and it kept me thinking. Kindly go through carefully and soul search. I have shared it for all of us. In as much as COVID19 pandemic is regrettable by what it portends for inclement times , I also want to say it can also be a blessing in disguise. Brainstorming with a friend, we came to the conclusion that this is the best time to ask ourselves serious questions so as to reinvent oneself. If you have been working for a company for more than 5 yrs and you don't have 100k savings ... You need to think If you have been doing a particular hustle for more than 5 yrs and noting to show for it.. You need to think. If you've spent one month at home under Lock down drawing from your reserves without cash inflows from other sources...... YOU NEED TO THINK. IF You've spent 30 days at home browsing the internet, responding to greetings in Facebook, looking up pictures in Instagram, watching YouTube videos, responding to WhatsApp chats, calling everyon

Crisis Management

A time of crisis could e a time of despair, hopelessness and most people could get worried about the future, about their security and so much more. At such times we should not lose hope but look for opportunities that we might come up with in the midst of the crisis. Ways to manage crisis Delay major projects. List your needs.Never confuse your needs with wants. Only acquire what you truly need. Decide not to live beyond your ability. Withdraw from unnecessary Value your possession Save, conserve and protect your resources. Effective management attract more resources even in times of crisis. Love you all. Bea....

Knowing Who You Are

Life is beautiful when you actually know and understand who you are. There's no struggle the moment you will know who you truly are. Every human being on earth was created with a special gift. Its up-to you to discover your gift and use it to know your true purpose on earth. Love you all