
Showing posts from May, 2020

Be Encouraged Today

Feel encouraged that there is no permanent condition in life. Your situation today may not reflect your dreams and visions. But I want to encourage you that tomorrow will be better than today. Believe it and walk tall. Encourage yourself no matter what comes in this journey of life. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. Cheers, Bea

Crisis Lift

We need times of crisis to jolt us out of our comfort zones. Without some kind of a crisis, we are not inclined to think hard enough, pray hard enough, or work hard enough to make innovative changes. That ’ s why God allows crises to happen. The Lord not only allows a crisis, but He also brings on the crisis. He does it because He knows that trials and problems will always work for our good. Crises will make us grow spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally. Crises will make us expand. Crises will provide us with plenty of motivation to try something new.   A good example in the bible is about Peter in the book of John. Peter was a fisherman, remember. He was not afraid of the water itself. On one later occasion, Peter stepped out of a boat and swam to the shore (see John 21:7-8). In that situation, he wanted to reach land faster than he could have done in the boat, so he did the only logical thing: he  dove into the water and started swimming. That time, he did not even

Benefits of Crisis

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word “ crisis . ” One brush stroke stands for danger ; the other for opportunity . In a crisis, be aware of the danger —  but recognize the opportunity  by John F. Kennedy Jon Huntsman, a wealthy businessman and philanthropist, wrote this: “Humans seldom have created anything of lasting value unless they were tired or hurting.”1 If you think about it, you will realize that it is true. It fits with the old saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” A time of crisis is like an incubator for creativity. Crises will make us grow spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally. Crises will make us expand. Crises will provide us with plenty of motivation to try something new. A crisis will reveal your true beliefs and convictions. Have you always said that you believe your God is faithful? Well, what do you say now that you have lost your job and your family home is up for sale? With your true level of faith revealed, you wil

Keep Going

  Keep  Going Be proud of yourself for how far you have come, and never stop pushing to be the best you can be. Happy New Month to you all. Cheers Bea