Crisis Lift

We need times of crisis to jolt us out of our comfort zones. Without some kind of a crisis, we are not inclined to think hard enough, pray hard enough, or work hard enough to make innovative changes. Thats why God allows crises to happen. The Lord not only allows a crisis, but He also brings on the crisis. He does it because He knows that trials and problems will always work for our good. Crises will make us grow spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and emotionally. Crises will make us expand. Crises will provide us with plenty of motivation to try something new. 

A good example in the bible is about Peter in the book of John. Peter was a fisherman, remember. He was not afraid of the water itself. On one later occasion, Peter stepped out of a boat and swam to the shore (see John 21:7-8). In that situation, he wanted to reach land faster than he could have done in the boat, so he did the only logical thing: he dove into the water and started swimming. That time, he did not even think of walking on top of the waters surface.

Abraham passed his test with flying colors when he was faced with a major crisis (see Gen. 22). God created that crisis when He told Abraham to take his only son Isaac onto the mountain to sacrifice him on an altar. Abraham had nothing to go on except his faith. Isaac had been born through a miracle. If God wanted him back, Abraham figured he would have to put aside his fatherly instinct to protect his boy. He obeyed. It was not until Abraham had tied up Isaac with ropes and raised his knife to slit his sons throat that the angel stopped him. The voice of the Lord said, Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from Me your son, your only son(Gen. 22:12). Abraham had passed a critical test. God could proceed with His plan to make Abrahams descendants as numerous as the grains of sand on the seashore.  

When a problem or a crisis is breathing down your neck, you have both the motivation and reason to make something happen. No crisis, no innovative problem-solving.

Never give up.

Stay blessed  



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